Kominote Ki Otonòm
Nou bay rezidan yo zouti ak edikasyon yo bezwen pou yo defann
Fill Out our Community Assessment

Our Why​
​​Since 2006, the Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition’s mission has been to uplift residents, focusing on ways to help the community through addressing disparities related to health, food access, active living, youth engagement, and community empowerment. Through continued engagement, we are able to keep building MFFC’s membership and advocacy activities.
As residents, we have the power to shape the community as the experts knowing exactly what we need. There are many different people living in the community and we need to be able to serve you. This survey is an opportunity to hear from more people in Mattapan and to unify our voices.
Your participation helps our partner organizations gain insight into the experiences, needs, and desires of Mattapan residents that align with MFFC’s mission and those that do not. We collaborate with each other in bridging gaps that MFFC cannot address alone.
The purpose of this survey is to learn how MFFC can continue supporting residents by addressing their concerns. We kindly ask that you help us help you, by filling out the survey below with the CHANCE TO WIN A $25 GIFT CARD!
Thank you for your contribution towards a thriving Mattapan!
Kominote Ki Otonòm
Nou pran angajman pou bati bon relasyon ak kominote a epi kolabore ak patnè yo pou kreye yon Mattapan kap pwospere ak an sante ki baze sou entegrite ak konfyans.

Etid Katye Sante
Se rezidan lokal yo, òganizasyon defans de baz yo, Fondasyon Lwa Konsèvasyon, Depatman Etid ak Planifikasyon Iben MIT, Depatman Sante Piblik Massachusetts, ak Konsèy Planifikasyon Zòn Metwopoliten an ki dirije etid Healthy Neighborhood la. Yo te devlope yon sondaj ak yon ekip chèchè rezidan (manm kominote a) epi yo te itilize pou detèmine sa ki pi enpòtan pou rezidan yo lè li rive pou konstwi katye ki an sante. Done sondaj la montre kijan devlopman rapid kominote yo afekte rezidan ki egziste nan katye a.
pwojè yo
Chemen mache Neponset
De-polisyon nan Neponset la